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What Was It Like the First Time I Was Naked in Public?

Well, the first time I was naked in public was when I was a child.  I don’t remember much from that time, but what I do know is a story my mother told me.  She said she could never keep clothes on me.  One day when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old my family and I were at a park.  My brother somehow found a beehive on the ground and started kicking it.  The swarm of bees came flying out of their home and became very aggressive.  They chased us all the way back to our car.  My mom said I was the only one who didn’t get stung.  She thinks it was because I wasn’t wearing any clothes!  Haha.  This story makes me happy.  It paints a picture far back into my naturism.  

Naturism is a lifestyle of non-sexual nudity.  People who identify as naturists or nudists prefer to be nude.  Whether you’re out in a public clothing optional location or just walking around your home, being nude is normal.  For me when I’m naked in public or around my home, it feels like a celebration of my body.  I love the connection to the environment around me when I’m nude.  Whether it’s sitting on a coarse rock in the mountains, in a natural hot spring, or just laying on my fur blanket on my couch, I feel so… present with my surroundings.  I love feeling the dirt beneath my butt when I sit on the ground, or the flannel comforter when I’m laying in bed that hugs every part of my skin.  

As far back as I can remember I never felt any negativity towards nudity.  I of course went through a lot of body shaming myself as a kid and in my teens years.  I hated how flat my chest was.  After highschool I became a little more alive.  And by alive, I mean very intoxicated and social.  I would show my boobs to strangers at least a few times a night when I would go out drinking.  I was so proud of how my body looked, I wanted to share it with others.  I definitely was looking for attention and exuded lots of sexual energy.  I am a very sexual being and I like a lot of attention.  I’m sure this plays into my love of being nude in public.  I know nudism isn’t necessarily about sex, but everything in life is about sex.  There is a male and a female everything creating all of life on this planet.  Without sex, there would be no life.

That’s kind of what nudity feels like to me.  It is life.  I feel so close to nature.  I feel one with it.  This may sound super hippie dippy, but it’s how I feel.  

My first experience stepping into a full on nudist experience was a nude resort in Palm Springs when I was in my early 20s.  I remember walking in with my friend and he immediately took off all of his clothes to check into our rooms.  There were naked people grabbing coffee, chatting in the lobby, I could see naked people laying around the pool and playing tennis.  I felt a little nervous.  I looked down at myself and I was fully clothed and I felt like the outsider.  I didn’t feel genuine.  We make our way to our rooms passing fellow naked people in the hallways and elevator.  Everyone is so incredibly friendly and welcoming.  No one is looking me up and down like I’m a piece of meat.  Men are looking me right in the eyes and asking if this is my first time at a nude resort.  It must have been incredibly obvious given I was the only person in clothing.  

I walk into my room surrounded by complete silence.  I wanted to freshen up and get ready to head down to the pool bar where I was going to meet my friends.  I start unpacking my belongings and start laughing out loud.  “I definitely over packed!”  I stared at my dresses and bathing suit.  “I don’t need any of this!”  I crumpled all of my things into a messy ball and shoved them back into my bag.  I took off all my clothing and walked over to the mirror.  “There you are.”  I smile at myself and I know I’m in my element.  I know I am safe.  I know I am free to be my most genuine self.

I head to the bar by myself, completely nude walking down the hallway of the resort.  People are walking by me smiling and waving.  Everyone says hello here.  Not a single person is looking at the ground or to the sky.  Everyone seems very present and happy to be here.  I float up to the bar and order some fruity cocktail.  It comes ice blended and garnished with a pineapple wedge and a cherry.  My friends wave me over to join them by the pool.  Before sitting down anywhere you have to lay down your towel.  That is a well known rule.  I lay down my towel next to the pool and put my feet in.  It’s perfect temperature.  Not too hot and not too cold.  I sit sipping my blended cocktail and just watch in awe at all the beautiful bodies around me.  I’m definitely one of the youngest people at the resort.  Everyone seems to be in their early 40s-60s.  No one is covering up.  Men and women are sitting with their legs open, drinking and laughing.  It’s almost like no one is naked at all given how chill the energy is.  

My friend taps me on the shoulder and asks me to join him at the bar.  He orders another round of ice blended yumminess and we take a seat.  I can see he is in his element.  His chest is up, chin high, and relaxed demeanor.  He’s been a nudist for almost two decades.  He’s a seasoned professional.  We met when I was offering private nude Yoga sessions.  He was one of my regulars and even brought his wife a couple times.  These two truly lived the nudist lifestyle.  They always searched for clothing optional beaches, hot springs, resorts and activities.  They definitely set the tone for my future relationship with naturism.  

My friend looks at me and asks me if I brought my tennis shoes.  I did.  He asks if I want to play naked tennis with him.  I do.  So we grab our shoes from our rooms and race over to the tennis courts.  I’ve never played any sport fully naked and I have to say, all sports should be played naked.. Well maybe not all.  Football might be a little awkward.  My breasts and butt were giggling around but I didn’t care!  I feel like I could move more freely than ever.  I felt my vagina open and shutting because there were no tight leggings holding her together.  It was magnificent.  

We continued to drink the night away and had dinner in the resort restaurant fully nude.  It was hilarious being waited on by a fully clothed person while sitting with my breasts out.  We laughed and shared stories about being naked in public.  We all shared the same love of nudity and it was so refreshing to feel understood.  Naturism really is all about body positivity and creating an environment of body acceptance.  

I write this because I’ve had so many people reach out to me and ask me what it is about being naked that I love most.  The first thing that pops into my head when being asked that question is, it’s just me.  I’ve always felt this way.  I’ve always preferred being nude than wearing clothing.  I can’t stand clothing.  I loved traveling through Southeast Asia because it was so incredibly hot and humid that I only wore little halter tops and flowy cotton pants.  I hate the cold because that means I have to layer.  I hate layering.    

If you’re wanting to feel more free in your body and practice nudism, try it.  Start in your own home.  Sleep naked.  Walk from the shower to your room naked.  If you’re already there, then find a nude beach close to you.  If you don’t have any clothing optional places near you, plan a trip to somewhere that does.  Find a hot spring.  They’re always clothing optional.  Find a fun nude resort.  Make sure it’s a nudist resort and not a swinger resort, unless you’re looking for some sexual fun, then find that swinger resort.  Most likely the swinger resort will be clothing optional as well.  Do your homework.  Follow people you admire and surround yourself with like minded people.  It’s not an easy journey to nudism and body acceptance.  You may have years or even decades of old programing to undo.  There may be that voice in your head that’s telling you your naked body is only to be seen in private.  Maybe you think you’re too old, too fat or too skinny.  Whatever the reason, there is love to be found.  When you show yourself to the world in a way that is real, uncovered and free, there is healing there.  

I hope you try something outside of your comfort zone this year.  Maybe it’ll be a clothing optional get away.  Maybe it’ll be sleeping naked.  Whatever it is, I hope it excites you and motivates you to keep living wild.  I hope you’re able to free yourself of stories that aren’t true about yourself.  You are free.  You are free to be you.