Title: Balancing Motherhood and My Passion: Why I Love Being an OnlyFans Creator

Title: Balancing Motherhood and My Passion: Why I Love Being an OnlyFans Creator

Being an OnlyFans creator also comes with its challenges. There are societal stigmas and judgments associated with this line of work, and I have faced criticism and negativity from some quarters. However, I have learned to overcome these challenges by staying true to myself, being proud of my work, and educating others about the platform and its diversity.

“What Do I Love About My Job?”

“What Do I Love About My Job?”

  I haven’t always been an open book, spreading her legs and joy for the world to see, I was more of a closested freak.  All my friends knew I was incredibly promiscuous and loved sex, but that stayed in my immediate group.  Nowadays, I wear my heart on my sleeve, my sex life is plastered all over the internet and I’ve accepted that I’ve opened myself up to being judged for what I do.  

What Do Women Actually Want? Porn vs. Reality

What Do Women Actually Want?  Porn vs. Reality

VibeWIthMolly/VibeWithMommy shares her opinion on what women actually want and gives helpful tips on how to approach a first date as well as tips for physical intimacy, consent and how to seal the deal! In my dating life I have made quite a few men uncomfortable with my forwardness. I’ve had a guy make up an excuse and left the date after only 30 minutes of conversation. I admittedly knew we weren’t a match so I got pretty vulgar fairly quickly. What did I say? Fine I’ll tell ya. I told him one of my kinks was to get objectified and fucked like a fuckdoll from time to time. I think it freaked him out a bit…

The Monotony of Monogamy with VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

The Monotony of Monogamy with VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

My goal was to be perfect, to live perfect, to look perfect, and to act perfect. That dream quickly faded when nature and reality threw its ugly hand around my neck and ripped off my clothes and called it consensual. I saw the world finally. I wasn’t protected or safe. I was wild and thrown into uncertainty. I was given a chance to hurt freely, but it’s perfection that kept me drugged up, quiet, and numb. I wanted to live in a dream world where nobody got hurt, no one used me and I never used them. All I wanted was to be seen fully and loved fully, so I embarked on a journey to find that in all the wrong places. I looked up at the bottom of a bottle, I looked between my legs and down the rolled-up dollar bill. This all led to the one person that made me question it all. The person that made me do the unthinkable; sobriety, a child, and finding my truth; my self-worth is not dependent on the exclusivity of my relationships. I am more than capable of giving myself the love and support I need to feel safe and taken care of.

BDSM? Yes, I'd Love Another Round of Pain Please.

BDSM?  Yes, I'd Love Another Round of Pain Please.

try counting the bruises on my back and butt. There are more than a hundred. I can’t stop staring at them in the mirror. I take close to 20 pictures of my backside and when I’m sitting relaxing on the couch I can’t help but look at the pictures over and over again. I feel proud. I feel normal. I feel mesmerized by the experience. I try to figure out what caused each bruise; what toy, what whip, what belt, or was it the vampire gloves?

Love to Love, Love to Fuck, Fuck to Love and Fuck to Fuck with VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

Love to Love, Love to Fuck, Fuck to Love and Fuck to Fuck with VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

I know for me, being with and loving one person has never felt right. As soon as I would commit to being in a relationship with someone I’d immediately put all of these expectations and restrictions on myself. No sex outside the relationship was assumed without even having a conversation about it.

My Body Is All Mine, Take a Ticket and Get in Line

My Body Is All Mine, Take a Ticket and Get in Line

I thought I had permanently lost my sex drive after I had my daughter. Google told me that it was common for women and some men to lose their sex drive after having kids and it can last anywhere from six to eight months. Well, for me, it lasted about two years. After that first year of caring for a newborn, I was hopeful my sex drive would return. But the lust and the hunger never came.