
What Do Women Actually Want? Porn vs. Reality

What Do Women Actually Want?  Porn vs. Reality

VibeWIthMolly/VibeWithMommy shares her opinion on what women actually want and gives helpful tips on how to approach a first date as well as tips for physical intimacy, consent and how to seal the deal! In my dating life I have made quite a few men uncomfortable with my forwardness. I’ve had a guy make up an excuse and left the date after only 30 minutes of conversation. I admittedly knew we weren’t a match so I got pretty vulgar fairly quickly. What did I say? Fine I’ll tell ya. I told him one of my kinks was to get objectified and fucked like a fuckdoll from time to time. I think it freaked him out a bit…

My Body Is All Mine, Take a Ticket and Get in Line

My Body Is All Mine, Take a Ticket and Get in Line

I thought I had permanently lost my sex drive after I had my daughter. Google told me that it was common for women and some men to lose their sex drive after having kids and it can last anywhere from six to eight months. Well, for me, it lasted about two years. After that first year of caring for a newborn, I was hopeful my sex drive would return. But the lust and the hunger never came.

I Should've Known the Second I Woke up With Half My Head of Hair Missing

I Should've Known the Second I Woke up With Half My Head of Hair Missing

I should've known the second I woke up with half my head of hair missing.  

Tufts of locks blowing around the room like little tumbleweeds that you see in old western movies before the shootout scene commences.  I should’ve known this fuck up was warning me of the hard years ahead. “Run away”, the wind whispers, “Run away as fast as you can and never look back.”  The reality of what happened sinks in. I look in the mirror and I swear I look like Gollum from "Lord of the Rings”. As I looked in the mirror, at this stranger, I couldn’t remember a goddamn thing.  My mind starts racing.   “What the fuck happened?  Why did I do this to myself?”  I would later learn that, in a blackout rage, I had what some would call a mental breakdown.

Fuck the Invisible Divide Between Us.

Fuck the Invisible Divide Between Us.

Where does this invisible competition come from? 

This competition I feel everyday.  

The thing that got me thinking was this invisible rule that woman are competing.  We are competing to be the skinniest, prettiest, smartest, most confident; best mom, best chef, and do it all with a smile.

What really got me thinking was how jealous I'd get when a girl was getting more attention than me from guys.  I'd almost ALWAYS start trying to find things wrong with her.  I'd say things to myself like, "Look how drunk she is, or she's wearing too much make up, or she looks like a slut and that's why guys want her."  It's crazy, I would think these things about other girls while not realizing that I was in fact DRUNK, wearing too much make up and dressed like a slut.  Like HELLO MOLLY look in the fucking mirror.