
Where the Fuck Is That Guy with the Drugs? 

Where the Fuck Is That Guy with the Drugs? 

I’m feeling the way I always do when I’m out and about doing drugs and drinking alcohol.  I’m swaying back and forth. I’m feeling awkward because that last line of cocaine I did is starting to wear off and there’s no more alcohol in the house.  “I need something,” I think to myself.  Where the fuck is that guy with more coke?  He said he’d be back soon with more drugs. My heart is beating with the music, fast and upbeat.  I look around the party and there’s all sorts of colorful people.  There’s a girl with red hair, a black guy with no lenses in his glasses, and a tall skinny awkward guy trying to dance.  I’m trying to enjoy myself, like I always do, but something doesn’t feel right. I feel this gnawing in my stomach. I need more drugs.  That’s it, I just need more drugs.  Where the fuck is that guy with the drugs?