
Why Couldn’t I Have Just Kept My Fucking Legs Closed for Once?

Why Couldn’t I Have Just Kept My Fucking Legs Closed for Once?

He has me bent over the guardrail and he’s railing me from behind. I don’t know his name. Well, he told me his name but I forgot it seconds after he told me. The only thing I know about him is that he’s from Italy. He’s about 6’4, has dark hair and he’s attractive enough to be sleeping with after only an hour of drunk conversation. We’re on a two day ferry ride from Manila to Coron in the Philippines. The boat is huge. It holds hundreds of passengers and has plenty of bunk beds for all the passengers to sleep. I spent most of the boat ride drinking too much rum and chasing it down with cheap beer.

Fill Myspace with Meaningless Sex

Fill Myspace with Meaningless Sex

I was so nervous to meet Nick.  It took me hours to get ready. I was super insecure about my body.  I thought my breasts were too small. I thought my hair was ugly. I hated my hands and my big toes.  I wanted to cover everything up with make-up, a tight fitted dress and a long fitted coat. I even wore a hat and a wig to cover my short curly hair.  I tried everything to appear older than a 15 year old teenage girl.