
Unapologetically Molly With VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

Unapologetically Molly With VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

My friend once told me, that what she liked about me was that I was so, "Unapologetically Molly".

At first this made me feel good about myself.  Then I thought about all the times I had hung out with her.  I was usually shit faced drunk, doing cocaine and hitting on every guy I thought was hot.  "This was me covered in my blanket of confidence", I thought to myself.  This was me in my I don't give a fuck, black out drunk and carefree state of mind.  Then I thought about it a little longer and realized she was talking about the Molly that would drink everyday.  So then I found myself missing Yllom (my drunk alternate self) because SHE is who everybody misses and loves.  Then I started to think about it and ask myself, "What does she mean by unapologetically Molly?"