
Fuck the Invisible Divide Between Us.

Fuck the Invisible Divide Between Us.

Where does this invisible competition come from? 

This competition I feel everyday.  

The thing that got me thinking was this invisible rule that woman are competing.  We are competing to be the skinniest, prettiest, smartest, most confident; best mom, best chef, and do it all with a smile.

What really got me thinking was how jealous I'd get when a girl was getting more attention than me from guys.  I'd almost ALWAYS start trying to find things wrong with her.  I'd say things to myself like, "Look how drunk she is, or she's wearing too much make up, or she looks like a slut and that's why guys want her."  It's crazy, I would think these things about other girls while not realizing that I was in fact DRUNK, wearing too much make up and dressed like a slut.  Like HELLO MOLLY look in the fucking mirror.

Unapologetically Molly With VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

Unapologetically Molly With VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

My friend once told me, that what she liked about me was that I was so, "Unapologetically Molly".

At first this made me feel good about myself.  Then I thought about all the times I had hung out with her.  I was usually shit faced drunk, doing cocaine and hitting on every guy I thought was hot.  "This was me covered in my blanket of confidence", I thought to myself.  This was me in my I don't give a fuck, black out drunk and carefree state of mind.  Then I thought about it a little longer and realized she was talking about the Molly that would drink everyday.  So then I found myself missing Yllom (my drunk alternate self) because SHE is who everybody misses and loves.  Then I started to think about it and ask myself, "What does she mean by unapologetically Molly?"