
The AfterMETH

The AfterMETH

So I’m embarking on a journey of self realizing shit.  I ordered Mastin Kipp’s “Claim Your Power: A 40-Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Blocks That Keep You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life’s Unique Purpose”.  It’s basically a 40 day self discovery class.  I’m only on day 8 and a big part of what he talks about is how our past traumas are the things that get in our way of truly living our purpose.  “Hell yeah”, I thought to myself.  I definitely have some past shit that has defined who I am today.  As I’m working through the pages of Mastin Kipp’s book I start to see.  I start to see how much pain I’ve been living in.  I start to see where it all began.  It’s becoming so clear.  It’s wild, why haven’t I sat down and dealt with any of this?  Maybe because I always felt that it was too painful to revisit?  Oh, I almost forgot, I’ve been drunk ever since.

New Years Revelation

New Years Revelation

I've never trusted myself to make New Years resolutions.  I think it's because I could never think of something I wanted to accomplish.  This year is different.  I guess you could say I had a REVELATION.  I want to write more.  I love writing.  I want to be vulnerable and put my writing out there.  I love writing about how I feel.  I like how it FEELS to write about how I FEEL. 

2017 was a tough year for me.  I started reading other peoples stories and how they overcame their hardships and what led them to finding the help they needed.  This really helped steer me in the right direction.  Without the words of total strangers, I would've felt so alone.  I think sharing our experiences is therapeutic.  Not only for ourselves, but it could help a total stranger through a tough time.