
The AfterMETH

The AfterMETH

So I’m embarking on a journey of self realizing shit.  I ordered Mastin Kipp’s “Claim Your Power: A 40-Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Blocks That Keep You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life’s Unique Purpose”.  It’s basically a 40 day self discovery class.  I’m only on day 8 and a big part of what he talks about is how our past traumas are the things that get in our way of truly living our purpose.  “Hell yeah”, I thought to myself.  I definitely have some past shit that has defined who I am today.  As I’m working through the pages of Mastin Kipp’s book I start to see.  I start to see how much pain I’ve been living in.  I start to see where it all began.  It’s becoming so clear.  It’s wild, why haven’t I sat down and dealt with any of this?  Maybe because I always felt that it was too painful to revisit?  Oh, I almost forgot, I’ve been drunk ever since.

Stop, Put Down Your Phone and Be Afraid.

Stop, Put Down Your Phone and Be Afraid.

Stop, put down your phone and be afraid.

Something happened to me the other day.  Something clicked.  I felt release.  I released something that has been holding me down.  I realize me stressing about it and worrying about it was giving it power.  I was letting it win; win my life.  I want to take my life back.  I'm in control of my life.  I'm in control of my thoughts.  I'm in control of how I react in certain situations and I get to decide what makes me happy.  

Story Time: To Ride or Die in Pai.

Story Time: To Ride or Die in Pai.

A lot of you know that I traveled to Southeast Asia a couple years ago.  I'd like to start by saying Southeast Asia is one of the most magical and whimsical places that I have ever been.  I had always dreamt of places like it; I never knew such beauty existed.

With that said, it is another place that is heaven for a girl like me.  The party NEVER stops.

Especially in Thailand.

What Does It Mean To Embrace A Beautiful, Shitty Life? With VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

What Does It Mean To Embrace A Beautiful, Shitty Life? With VibeWithMolly / VibeWithMommy

What does it mean to embrace a beautiful, shitty life?

I figured out that life is made up of beautiful and equally shitty moments.  It's crazy, one moment I could literally feel SO good.  I mean NOTHING can get me down.  I'm walking taller, I feel solid in my foot steps and not a care in the world.  Then, like a switch, I find myself feeling scared.  I start to ask myself questions like, "Why are you so happy?  What makes you so special?  You live with your mom and you're a single mother."  Then as quickly as it came, my smile is gone.  This beautiful moment has now been replaced with the most shitty feeling.